Saturday, September 10, 2022

8 Mistakes Patients Make When Going for Telepsychiatry: How to Avoid Them!

The mental health crisis in India is a real problem. According to the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, nearly 1 in 5 Indians will suffer from a mental health disease at some point. Yet, only 27% of those affected receive any treatment. This is principally due to the social stigma attached to mental illness and the lack of accessible and affordable treatment options.

Those with mental health disorders are often neglected or misunderstood by their families and friends. They can often feel alone and isolated, leading to further deterioration of their mental health. Some people with mental health disorders may even resort to self-harm or suicide.

We must address the issue of the mental health crisis in India head-on. We need to break the social stigma attached to mental illness and provide more accessible and affordable treatment options for those who need it.

Telepsychiatry is the answer to India's mental health crisis. By providing more accessible and affordable treatment options, we can help those suffering from mental health disorders. We must break the social stigma attached to mental illness and provide more accessible and affordable treatment options for those who need it. Only then will we be able to improve the lives of millions of Indians suffering from mental health disorders.

It has recently become a popular means of receiving mental health treatment. It offers many advantages over traditional in-person psychiatry appointments, such as convenience and affordability. However, a few things patients can do to mess up their telepsychiatry experience and make it less effective. This blog post will discuss the 8 most common mistakes patients make when going for telepsychiatry appointments. We will also provide tips on how to avoid these mistakes!

Mistake #1

One common mistake that patients make is not preparing for their appointment. Just like with any other doctor's appointment, it is crucial to come to a telepsychiatry appointment prepared. This means having a list of questions or topics you want to discuss with your psychiatrist. It also means being honest about your symptoms and how they have impacted your life. If you are not prepared for your appointment, it will be much less productive, and you will likely walk away feeling frustrated.

Mistake #2

Another mistake patients make assuming that it is the same as in-person psychiatry. While there are many similarities, there are also some critical differences. For example, you will not be able to read your psychiatrist's body language over video chat. This can make it more challenging to build rapport and trust. Additionally, it is essential to remember that telepsychiatry appointments are typically shorter than in-person appointments. You will need to be concise when discussing your symptoms and concerns.

Mistake #3

Patients also sometimes forget that they are not alone in the room during a telepsychiatry appointment. This might seem like a foolish mistake to make, but it can actually be quite disruptive. For example, if you have children at home, you must ensure they are supervised so they do not come into the room during your appointment. It is also important to remember that your psychiatrist can see and hear everything that is going on in the room, so if you are trying to have a private conversation, you will need to step out of view of the camera.

Mistake #4

Patients sometimes make the mistake of thinking that it is less personal than in-person psychiatry. This could not be further from the reality! Many patients feel more comfortable discussing sensitive topics with their psychiatrist over video chat than in person. If you are hesitant to open up to your psychiatrist, remind yourself that they are there to help you and want to understand what is going on in your life.

Mistake #5

Another general mistake is not being honest about symptoms. It is important to remember that your psychiatrist cannot help you if they do not know what is going on. If you are awkward or ashamed of your symptoms, remind yourself that your psychiatrist has heard it all before, and they are not there to judge you. The only way to get the help that you need is, to be honest about what is going on in your life.

Mistake #6

Patients sometimes make the mistake of thinking that their telepsychiatry appointment is not essential. This could not be further from the truth! Your mental health is also important as your physical health, and you should take your appointments seriously. This means showing up on time and being prepared for your meeting. It also means respecting your psychiatrist's time and following through with any treatment recommendations they make.

Mistake #7

Another common mistake is assuming that it is not confidential. This is a dangerous assumption to make! Telepsychiatry appointments are just as privileged as in-person appointments. Anything you discuss with your psychiatrist will remain between you unless you permit them to share it with someone else. If you have concerns about confidentiality, be sure to discuss them with your psychiatrist before your appointment so that you can put your mind at ease.

Mistake #8

The last mistake we will discuss is failing to follow up after a telepsychiatry appointment. Like any other doctor's appointment, it is essential to follow up with your psychiatrist after a telepsychiatry appointment. This means scheduling another position if you are not feeling better or if your symptoms have worsened. It also means keeping up with your psychiatrist's treatment recommendations. Failing to follow up can jeopardize your mental health and make it more challenging to get the help that you need.


This is a great way to get the mental health care you need. Still, it is essential to remember some crucial differences between telepsychiatry and in-person psychiatry. If you keep these differences in mind, you can avoid making common mistakes that could jeopardize your mental health.

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