Monday, October 3, 2022

Excessive Video Gaming To Be Named Mental Disorder By World Health Organization

The World Health Organization added associate sudden mental disorder to its list of psychological state conditions in 2018. People that play an excessive quantity of video games may notice themselves diagnosed with "Gaming Disorder." On May 25th, the WHO formally voted to undertake today's version of its International Classification of Diseases, or ICD, to consist of access on 'gaming disorder' as behavior addiction. This is a pass that might alarm parents all around the country. According to them, 97% of teenage boys and 83% of girls play video games on a few types of devices.  

Video games became progressively popular, with more individuals of all ages participating in competitions. As a result, computer game addiction has conjointly become a problem. According to the "fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" (DSM-5), the disease usually presents in juvenile males around 12 to 20 years old.  

Dr. Nicholas Kardaras is the writer of the 2016 book "Glow Kids – How Screen Addiction Is Hijacking Our Kids" he states that technology has profoundly affected children's brains and not for the better. Brain imaging studies show that stimulating sparkling displays are as dopamine activating to the mind's satisfaction as sex. A developing mountain of scientific studies correlates screen tech with problems like ADHD, anxiety, depression, multiple aggression, or even psychosis. Most surprisingly, current mind and research conclusively display that publically immoderate display screens can neurologically harm a younger person's growing mind in the same way cocaine dependency can.  

What the Study disclosed about the consequences of Violent Video Games

The Study was conducted by Dr. Douglas Gentile, Associate professor of Psychology at Iowa State University and a nationally recognized authority on the impact of television on children and adults. It showed that youngsters who play violent games regularly develop aggressive thinking, which might alter their behavior. For the experiment, the researchers followed over 3,000 children in grades 3, 4, 7, and 8 for three years.

According to recent United States surveys of parents, children of school age spend, on average, roughly seven hours per week playing video games. It was found that kids played video games on average for 9 hours per week, with boys playing them for an average of 13 hours per week and girls for an average of 5 hours per week. In the mid-1980, kids averaged approximately 4 hours weekly playing video games, along with time spent playing at home.

The Study reveals that the amount of online games played has been correlated with various risk factors for non-adaptive development such as smoking, obesity, and poorer educational performance. Researchers consider "violent" those games that allow players to injure other characters within the game. Specialists studying media violence, child advocacy organizations, and parents are especially concerned about these games since they feature many violent scenes. More than half of youngsters in surveys of 4th through 8th graders indicate a preference for video games where the main action focuses primarily on actual or imagined violence. Violent video game choice has been associated with hostile attribution biases, more conflicts with teachers, worse self-perceptions of behavioral activity, and more physical fights.

Impact of video games on children's physical and mental health:

1. Anxiety is increased by playing violent video games: Studies examining the impact of a violent video game typically reveal significantly increased anxiety due to which heart rate and systolic and diastolic blood pressure increase compared to non-violent video games. To illustrate, Ballard and West 1966 demonstrated that violent video games led to higher systolic blood pressure than non-violent games. The average size of the relationship between playing violent video games and physical reactions across studies was 0.222. Other physiological reactions have additionally been observed. The adult male brain has been shown to release dopamine when playing violent games. The physiological outcomes can be even greater for kids with more significant aggressive tendencies. Teenagers with trait hostility scored in the highest category on increased heart rate, blood pressure, and levels of testosterone and epinephrine. Additionally, there were tendencies for greater blood concentrations of cortisol and nor-epinephrine in the more irritable kids. It raises the possibility that children with a higher propensity for aggressive behavior may be even more vulnerable to the negative consequences of playing violent games. Violence in video games feeds the irrational urge to be aggressive: According to studies, bold emotions are more pronounced when playing violent video games. The average effect value across studies between playing violent video games and feeling aggressive was 0.18. According to studies, playing violent games make adults more anxious and hostile. According to the Study of 3rd through 5th graders, it increases the frustration level in children.

2. Pro-social behaviors are limited when playing violent video games: According to studies assessing player reactions while playing violent video games, their pro-social behavior is affected. Children who listed violent games as their favorite games to play were found by their peers to have fewer pro-social behaviors and more aggressive behavior in the classroom.

3. Loneliness and isolation: Loneliness is a global issue many individuals suffer at some point in their lives. People are subjected to unpleasant experiences. Loneliness is caused by the lack of enthusiasm in certain people's lives caused by significant failures in their social interaction networks. When young people spend long periods alone playing video games, they have less time in real life to engage with family and friends. Though many young gamers utilize online chat in multiplayer games, primarily to communicate with real-life pals, this should be balanced with interactions in the same physical place.

4. Depression (Depressive mental health disorder): In regular gamers, persistent listlessness, sorrow, or lethargy might be indicators of problem gaming. Depressive symptoms will be most noticeable while not playing the game, i.e., during the withdrawal phase. Video games have been linked to increased sadness and anxiety. However, correlation does not always indicate causation – people who are sad or depressed are driven to video games because they assist in repressing bad feelings. They acquire a gaming habit that causes them to get trapped in life. As a result, they are naturally dissatisfied.

Impact of gaming addiction on physical health:

1. Headache and migraine: Headache can be caused by physical factors such as eye strain, poor posture, and dehydration. They might be connected to mental health disorders like sadness and depression. 

2.Lack of physical activity: playing sedentary games for extended periods might lead to a lack of physical activity. The World Health Organization advises that children and adolescents aged 5 to 17 engage in at least 60 minutes of physical excise every day.  

3.Repetitive strain injury: it can affect children and young people who play for an extended period. Symptoms of strain injury are stiffness, pains, and discomfort. For example, 'nintendonitis' refers to the thumb, wrist, and hand disorders caused by gaming system use. Eye strain is also prevalent if you stare at a screen for an extended time without taking breaks. Glare from such a computer display can also impair eyesight.

4.Inadequate nutrition: when gaming addiction takes hold, children or adolescents may skip meals, eat junk food, refuse to take bathroom breaks, or have poor hygiene. 

5.Poor posture: According to studies, as little as 5 minutes of gaming can cause bad posture, such as slouching into a rolled and rounded shoulder position with a forward head position to maintain your eyes on the screen.

6.Quality of sleep: playing exciting games for long periods, incredibly late at night, will result in poor quality sleep.

This degree of gaming can have a negative influence on mental, physical, and emotional disorders in several ways, including: 

A sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise increase the risk of obesity, high blood pressure, type-2 diabetes, and high cholesterol.

Neglected social skills as a result of a lack of interaction with persons outside an electronic environment

Problems with focus and attention caused by video games' quick motions and fast-paced action

Problems with growth as a result of avoiding tasks that encourage learning, self-discovery, and personal development

Seizures and repeated stress injuries caused by flashing graphics, lights, and colors that may provoke epileptic episodes

Increased hostility or violent behavior as a result of the content of some video games


According to this study, there is a direct link between physical health, stress, depression, and video gaming addiction. However, the connection between computer game addiction and social dysfunction was significant and negative. The study showed obese children to be more interested in computer games. In other words, playing more video games causes teens to stay at home, which leads to a lack of movement and obesity. This is considered a biological problem.

On the psychological dimension, video games negatively affect adolescent mental health. It directly impacts the violent behavior, stress, depression, and isolation of adolescents who play these games. Playing video games excessively affects people's mental health, and the severity and importance depend on factors such as the level and intensity of violence in the game. The player's ability to distinguish between the virtual world and the real world, the player's ability to inhibit their desires and motivations, the values they grew up with or lived with, and those values in the context and content of the games. Fear was one of the possible consequences of video games, which researchers study.

When you see delays in your child's growth, it can be stressful. Help is available thanks to our knowledgeable and dedicated specialists. Our specialists will assist you in determining which stages may be tolerated and which indications should not be ignored. We understand your child's requirements and offer reasonable, virtual assistance from the convenience of your own home. Our comprehensive approach guarantees that we work on all five areas of development at the same time: speech and language, cognitive, socio-emotional, delicate, and gross motor abilities.

Must Read : India's Mental Health: The Need to Improve Telepsychiatry's Prominence

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