Saturday, September 17, 2022

Development in Telehealth Services By Online Docs And Its Helpfulness

Online medical consultations allow you to communicate virtually with a doctor to discuss your health issues via voice, video, or chat. It is a recommended option since it is practical and time-saving, mainly when you are unable to see a doctor at the clinic or hospital personally. Online medical visits are comparable to in-person visits in that you receive a prescription following the conclusion of the holiday.

In consideration of the COVID-19 epidemic, health institutions are increasing their telehealth choices and offering virtual appointments, according to "Brian Hasselfeld, M.D." Hasselfeld is the associate medical director for digital health innovations at Johns Hopkins Medicine.


Telehealth, often known as Telemedicine, has several benefits, including: even for individuals who don't consider themselves computer literate, Telemedicine has become simpler due to technological advancements. Patients can request a virtual visit with several John Hopkins doctors, practitioners, and therapists through the online platform or mobile apps.


        Privacy and accessibility

        Time and money saving

        Obtain a second opinion

        Convenience and comfort

        Access to professionals

        Prompt medical attention

        There is no need to save every medical report.

        Choose the correct physician according to need.

        Schedule a time according to our choices

        Instantly get prescriptions

        Text follow-up that's good for up to 7 days

        Pay the debt

        Others: no travel time or expenses, no need to miss work, no concerns about caring for children or the elderly, on-demand services, access to specialists, lower risk of contracting a new illness, reduced waiting times, and better health.


Three unique ways that Online Docs can assist:


Primary care and managing chronic conditions


Your family's health depends on regular consultations with primary health care physicians, including those with internal medicine, family medicine, and pediatrics specialties. Thanks to Telemedicine, it is simple to get in touch with a doctor or nurse practitioner. Some systems are designed so new patients can schedule an appointment with the following practitioner who becomes available, which helps expedite things.


Thanks to the telehealth facility, you may easily reach professionals. Telehealth services can improve medical care's effectiveness, coordination, and proximity. You can receive support for self-managing your health care through online visits without relying on a third party. A virtual doctor sees the patient virtually during a telemedicine session using communications technology and specialized medical equipment. A telemedicine expert can evaluate the patient, review vital statistics and medical history, and offer an evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment. The necessity for travel on the part of the patient or the specialist is reduced or eliminated as a result. Technology can potentially extend the standard of healthcare and expand access to it.


Doctors can use telemedicine consultations to pre-screen patients for potential infectious diseases to stop the spread of COVID-19, the flu, and other contagious diseases. Additionally, it prevents sick people from having to visit the office. Everyone benefits from less contact with other people's viruses, but those chronically unwell, pregnant, old, or immune- compromised.



        Patients in rural locations, as well as those in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, military and aircraft settings, or on the battlefield, can benefit from the invaluable tools provided by Telemedicine for home healthcare, remote patient monitoring, and disease treatment. The Department of Tele-medicine technology enables medical experts to assess, identify, and treat patients in distant areas. Without leaving the hospital, they can see patients wherever they are needed. This enables the on-site telehealth clinicians to quickly access cutting-edge knowledge and skills for electronic triage and care when and where it is most needed.


        The main characteristics of Tele-health are:



  1. Make healthcare available to those who reside in rural areas.
  2. Make Tele health services more accessible or practical for those lacking time, mobility, or transportation.
  3. Give them access to medical experts.
  4. The coordination of a patient's treatment and the improvement of team member communication
  5. Your doctor or the medical staff can remotely check on your health thanks to several technologies, such as web-based or mobile apps, that provide data, such as blood glucose sugar levels, blood pressure, and lung function.
  6. Telemedicine advancements have enabled elderly or dementia patients to at-home monitoring devices to spot changes in routine behavior falls.


Conserve your money



Are you thinking, "This has got to be incredibly expensive!"? That's untrue

An online doctor consultation can quickly and affordably meet your medical needs. An online doctor consultation can save you up to $88 every time you visit a doctor, according to a "Health Affairs Journal Study."


This is a highly economical choice if you don't have health insurance. A typical doctor's appointment will set you back at least $120. However, a doctor's internet consultation might cost as little as $40 per visit.

Even if you're unsure, you can still afford to see a doctor because online doctor consultations are less expensive.


        Many approaches exist for telehealth to help you save money:


  1. Compared to in-person visits, telehealth is much more affordable
  2. The 24/7 accessibility of virtual visits saves time
  3. Broader accessibility to mental health services
  4. Assistance with different sorts of management and care.


Costs are significantly lower than office visits for minor health conditions. According to "United Healthcare," the national median price of a video-based virtual visit is $50 instead of $740 for an emergency department visit, $85 for low-severity treatment at a doctor's office, and $130 for an urgent care center visit. The savings might be substantial if you have to cover the entire cost yourself before reaching your insurer's deductible. You'll typically pay less for telehealth than other sorts of appointments, even if you're only required to make a co-payment. Cost sharing varies from plan to plan, but insurers typically charge lower co-payments for telehealth than emergency department visits.


Security and Privacy


The idea of speaking with their doctor online is unfamiliar to many individuals. Making sure you are communicating with someone with medical knowledge to advise you on your health situation is crucial. When using a virtual doctor, you can feel secure knowing you're using a closed system and server. Your data will always be kept safe. Every conversation you have with your doctor online is private, as always. Your online doctor will follow the 1996 HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). This ensures the safety of medical data. Online consultations should adhere to the same rules as in-person meetings. Before sharing any private health information, patients must be notified of their right to privacy and provide written consent. Consultations should be held in a private room using specialized secure video communications rather than on public networks like Skype.


The healthcare sector is undergoing substantial change, and Telemedicine presents exciting possibilities for technology-driven virtual clinical services. Patient data communicated, recorded, or moved between healthcare practitioners during a consultation must use a secure server. These encryption techniques must be expanded, particularly for portable devices and removable media, like USB drives, which are a significant source of data breaches. A practical way to maintain an audit trail of who has accessed and used patient data is to assign a systems administrator to track data. This can quickly reveal any unusual or unapproved activity.


Healthcare organizations may concentrate on preserving the privacy and safety of their patients while shielding themselves from the severe repercussions of unauthorized access system access by knowing the primary security and privacy concerns.




In the past, going to the physician was a terrible physical and symbolic experience. You could need to wait for hours if you need to go to the emergency department. Consulting an online doctor is an excellent approach to receiving the care you require with little effort. You can receive high-quality care from a virtual physician at home or anywhere. Without all the inconvenience, an online doctor can give you the individualized treatment you would receive at your regular doctor's appointments. You won't ever need to leave your home since online doctors can do anything from ill prescriptions to respond to all of your questions. Convenience is the main advantage of online doctor appointments over traditional ones. You can arrange online medical visits at your convenience. Given your time's importance, especially when you're ill, we don't want you to spend it on waiting or commuting. Schedule your appointment with an online doctor and ensure that you are online during that time.

Your doctor will pay you complete attention throughout the entire appointment. There should be no disruptions, and you get enough time to ask all the questions you desire and follow-up inquiries for any issues you have. Until the conclusion of your visits, your online doctor will remain focused on your problems. They can recommend scans, do blood testing, and even write prescriptions like in-person doctors.

MUST READTop 6 Reasons why you should Opt for Telepsychiatry













Monday, September 12, 2022

Top 6 Reasons why you should Opt for Telepsychiatry

Telepsychiatry is an important part of mental health care that allows patients to receive care from a mental health professional even if they can not get to a hospital or clinic. Patients can benefit from telepsychiatry because it allows them to receive treatment at their own pace and in their own homes, rather than having to travel long distances or wait hours for appointments in crowded waiting rooms.

There are many reasons why you should consider working with a telepsychiatry provider. First, not only does the use of remote healthcare offer convenience, but it also helps people feel better about their situation by providing access to regular check-ins and reminders about appointments or prescriptions. Second, using telepsychiatry services like this can help improve your relationship with your primary care physician by allowing you to stay connected without having to make unnecessary trips into their office every month or two. Finally, it helps increase awareness about mental health issues so that everyone can actively work on improving their own mental health and wellness overall. Telepsychiatry is growing in popularity, but with it comes the need for more mental health awareness. Telepsychiatry can be a great way to get this message out to the public, but it can also be a great way for people who are struggling to get the help they need to get better.

There are many benefits that come with using this method of communication, including allowing you to talk with a psychiatrist or psychologist in a private space, which is typically more comfortable than sitting in an exam room at a hospital or clinic. If you are concerned about confidentiality and privacy when it comes to your mental health treatment, telepsychiatry can be very helpful for keeping information confidential between you and your doctor.

If you feel like you need professional help to deal with your mental health then we can help you. At Online Docs we have a wide range of services and different treatments that can help you with your mental health. We are here to help. Online docs is a telepsychiatry service that strives to bridge the gap between mental health professionals and patients and create as much mental health awareness as possible.


What is telepsychiatry?

Telepsychiatry is the use of technology to connect patients and doctors, allowing them to communicate over the internet. It allows people who live far away from each other or who have limited access to quality healthcare services, such as those in rural areas or low-income communities, the ability to receive treatment from a mental health specialist through video conferencing.

Telepsychiatry can be beneficial for both patients and doctors because it allows them more flexibility in scheduling appointments; telemedicine requires less travel time between provider sites than face-to-face contact does. In addition, having access to this technology has been shown to improve communication between providers and their patients' families as well as increase compliance with prescribed medications. Now that we have a better understanding of what telepsychiatry is and how it works, let us take a look at the top reasons why you should opt for telepsychiatry.

1. Reduce Your Travel Time and Maximize the Time Spent with your Doctor:

If you are somebody who has a very busy schedule and finds it extremely difficult to take out the time to prioritize your mental health then telepsychiatry is the best alternative for you. For example, if you are going to see your doctor once a month, it would take an hour or more to get there and back. That is not only costing you money but also wasting your time away from work as well as other tasks that could be done at home during this time. Telepsychiatry allows you to see your doctor at a time that is convenient for you, or wherever you are. It is a great option for you if you are someone who is always on the move and never has the time to sit down with your doctor. It will help you avoid wasting any unnecessary time and make sure you get the best treatment possible. At Online Docs our excellent team of therapists and telepsychiatrists consists of some of the best psychiatrists in India and the USA.

2. It is Convenient for Everyone Involved:

When you are a patient undergoing mental health treatment, it can be difficult to find a therapist who is available when you want to see them. Some therapists prefer to see patients at their offices or clinics and this may not be convenient for everyone involved. Telepsychiatry allows you and your therapist to access each other at any time of day or night as long as both parties are comfortable with the time allotted and have access to the Internet.

Another reason why telepsychiatry is so convenient is that there are no waiting periods like there would be if you were seeing someone in person at a clinic or office (you do not have far enough between appointments). You will not have to wait for a long time to see your therapist and you can contact them anytime you want. You will also not have to worry about missing an appointment because you are not available to make it, you can just reschedule it.

3. It is pretty easy to get started with TelePsychiatry:

Telepsychiatry is not a complicated process, and it does not require any special skills or training. Anybody can do it by just following a few simple steps. Steps to follow to get started with telehealth:

        Sign up for a telehealth platform and fill in your details and medical history. There are many telehealth platforms that you can choose from. You can also try out Online Docs if you want a consultation.

         The next step is to get familiar with the interface of your chosen platform and use it to schedule appointments, check on the status of those sessions, submit notes from calls, etc.

4. Receive Care for Mental Health Issues in a Private and Confidential Space:

In addition to receiving care for mental health issues in a private and confidential space, telepsychiatry also provides you with the ability to get the help you need from the comfort of your own home and treat it as a private space. You can easily schedule appointments at any time of day or night without having to travel anywhere else. This means that you will not have any interruptions from anyone else during those times when it is most important for you to be able to focus on yourself and address your issues without being bothered by anything else going on around you.

5. Access the Best Psychiatrists from Across the Country:

You can get the best psychiatrists in your area, across the country, or even across the world. That is the best part about telepsychiatry, you do not have to go anywhere, and you can access excellent mental healthcare in your living room without any hassle. Telepsychiatry allows you to access the best psychiatrists from any part of the world who want to help you with your mental health issues and give you advice on how to improve your life.

6. Telepsychiatry reduces wait times significantly:

Telepsychiatry is a great way to reduce wait times. It allows you to see your doctor at a convenient time, or wherever you are. You no longer need to make an appointment and travel all the way from home or work just so that you can get in touch with your doctor and discuss any concerns that may be bothering him/her at this moment.

Online mental health services are beneficial, especially in cases where there is an ongoing demand for mental health services and face-to-face access is not always feasible. The internet is a great place to find free clinical resources that can help you better understand your condition and get the help you need.

        You can seek out online support groups with people who have similar problems as yours. You might also find advice on how to cope or tricks and tips for staying healthy when dealing with depression or anxiety attacks.

        You can learn about new treatments that are available at different levels of intensity or severity (i.e., mild/moderate vs severe). This will allow you to choose the treatment plan that best suits your need.


There should not be any shame in asking for help. If you are suffering from depression or anxiety, it is not your fault. It is something that is happening to you, you are not the cause of it. It is something that your body and mind are reacting to. If you are struggling with depression or anxiety, you are not alone. It is high time that we start talking about the importance of mental health awareness and how common various mental illnesses are. Telepsychiatry has played an important role in helping people cope with their mental health issues. It allows them to heal without fearing the stigma associated with mental illness and disorders. It allows them to seek help and get the treatment they need without having to worry about their privacy and the confidentiality of their personal information.

If you are ready to start receiving online psychiatric care, contact us today. Our psychiatrists at Online Docs can guide you through the process and answer any questions that might come up along the way. If you are looking for a way to improve your mental health, or just want to feel a little less stressed out about your life, telepsychiatry is a great option.

With telepsychiatry, you can get the benefits of therapy without leaving home or having to travel for appointments. You can talk with a therapist from the comfort of your own home or office—and it is even better if you have access to equipment like video conferencing and webcams that let the therapist see you and hear your voice as they talk with you. This helps make sure that they are getting exactly what they need, rather than guessing based on their experience with other patients. If you are interested in seeing how telepsychiatry could help you, give us a call today!

 MUST READ : 8 Mistakes Patients Make When Going for Telepsychiatry: How to Avoid Them!


Saturday, September 10, 2022

8 Mistakes Patients Make When Going for Telepsychiatry: How to Avoid Them!

The mental health crisis in India is a real problem. According to the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, nearly 1 in 5 Indians will suffer from a mental health disease at some point. Yet, only 27% of those affected receive any treatment. This is principally due to the social stigma attached to mental illness and the lack of accessible and affordable treatment options.

Those with mental health disorders are often neglected or misunderstood by their families and friends. They can often feel alone and isolated, leading to further deterioration of their mental health. Some people with mental health disorders may even resort to self-harm or suicide.

We must address the issue of the mental health crisis in India head-on. We need to break the social stigma attached to mental illness and provide more accessible and affordable treatment options for those who need it.

Telepsychiatry is the answer to India's mental health crisis. By providing more accessible and affordable treatment options, we can help those suffering from mental health disorders. We must break the social stigma attached to mental illness and provide more accessible and affordable treatment options for those who need it. Only then will we be able to improve the lives of millions of Indians suffering from mental health disorders.

It has recently become a popular means of receiving mental health treatment. It offers many advantages over traditional in-person psychiatry appointments, such as convenience and affordability. However, a few things patients can do to mess up their telepsychiatry experience and make it less effective. This blog post will discuss the 8 most common mistakes patients make when going for telepsychiatry appointments. We will also provide tips on how to avoid these mistakes!

Mistake #1

One common mistake that patients make is not preparing for their appointment. Just like with any other doctor's appointment, it is crucial to come to a telepsychiatry appointment prepared. This means having a list of questions or topics you want to discuss with your psychiatrist. It also means being honest about your symptoms and how they have impacted your life. If you are not prepared for your appointment, it will be much less productive, and you will likely walk away feeling frustrated.

Mistake #2

Another mistake patients make assuming that it is the same as in-person psychiatry. While there are many similarities, there are also some critical differences. For example, you will not be able to read your psychiatrist's body language over video chat. This can make it more challenging to build rapport and trust. Additionally, it is essential to remember that telepsychiatry appointments are typically shorter than in-person appointments. You will need to be concise when discussing your symptoms and concerns.

Mistake #3

Patients also sometimes forget that they are not alone in the room during a telepsychiatry appointment. This might seem like a foolish mistake to make, but it can actually be quite disruptive. For example, if you have children at home, you must ensure they are supervised so they do not come into the room during your appointment. It is also important to remember that your psychiatrist can see and hear everything that is going on in the room, so if you are trying to have a private conversation, you will need to step out of view of the camera.

Mistake #4

Patients sometimes make the mistake of thinking that it is less personal than in-person psychiatry. This could not be further from the reality! Many patients feel more comfortable discussing sensitive topics with their psychiatrist over video chat than in person. If you are hesitant to open up to your psychiatrist, remind yourself that they are there to help you and want to understand what is going on in your life.

Mistake #5

Another general mistake is not being honest about symptoms. It is important to remember that your psychiatrist cannot help you if they do not know what is going on. If you are awkward or ashamed of your symptoms, remind yourself that your psychiatrist has heard it all before, and they are not there to judge you. The only way to get the help that you need is, to be honest about what is going on in your life.

Mistake #6

Patients sometimes make the mistake of thinking that their telepsychiatry appointment is not essential. This could not be further from the truth! Your mental health is also important as your physical health, and you should take your appointments seriously. This means showing up on time and being prepared for your meeting. It also means respecting your psychiatrist's time and following through with any treatment recommendations they make.

Mistake #7

Another common mistake is assuming that it is not confidential. This is a dangerous assumption to make! Telepsychiatry appointments are just as privileged as in-person appointments. Anything you discuss with your psychiatrist will remain between you unless you permit them to share it with someone else. If you have concerns about confidentiality, be sure to discuss them with your psychiatrist before your appointment so that you can put your mind at ease.

Mistake #8

The last mistake we will discuss is failing to follow up after a telepsychiatry appointment. Like any other doctor's appointment, it is essential to follow up with your psychiatrist after a telepsychiatry appointment. This means scheduling another position if you are not feeling better or if your symptoms have worsened. It also means keeping up with your psychiatrist's treatment recommendations. Failing to follow up can jeopardize your mental health and make it more challenging to get the help that you need.


This is a great way to get the mental health care you need. Still, it is essential to remember some crucial differences between telepsychiatry and in-person psychiatry. If you keep these differences in mind, you can avoid making common mistakes that could jeopardize your mental health.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Role of Yoga and Meditation in a good Mental Health

a person is doing yoga at beach

Is there anything at all Yoga and meditation can't do? 

We all know that Yoga is an excellent way to work on flexibility and strength. But how many of us know that Yoga is excellent at calming us down and making us feel happier? 

The same can be said about meditation. 

The second yoga myth is that yogic practice is only for young people who can touch their toes with their hands, bending forward. 

Yoga, especially the slower forms of Yoga like Iyengar yoga or the Bihar School style, is more meditative and therapeutic. These types of Yoga are more about relaxation and getting the kinks out of your system than just losing weight and getting fit. 

This article will tell you how to get happier and calmer with Yoga and meditation.

Let's do it!

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a blanket term that encompasses meditation, breathing exercises, and physical poses called asanas. It is also, as we know, an ancient Indian healing modality that is centuries old. 

what is yoga
If movement is medicine, then Yoga is superior medicine. Scientific research has also validated this now. 

Study after study is flagging the dangers of sedentary lives on our physical bodies and even our mental selves. People who move less are typically more prone to depression, studies prove. 

Yoga helps you move in better ways. It makes you move not just your limbs and torso but even the tiniest muscle in the internal body through calibrated movement. 

This has many benefits. The blood flow in the whole body gets normalized. The head and brain get more blood flow, especially when you do specific asanas that cascade the blood flow in the opposite direction.

The best thing about Yoga is that it heals and recharges all the bodies around you. A human has seven bodies, including the mental, physical and emotional. With its meditative component, breathwork, and calibrated movement sequences, Yoga supercharges and rejuvenates all seven bodies.

Several forms of Yoga include Hatha Yoga, Iyengar yoga, ashtanga yoga, and others. Some of these are more useful in calming the central nervous system. Hatha yoga, a reasonably common form of Yoga both in India and in the US, is a type of Yoga that combines physical asanas or poses with mindful breathing. On the other hand, Ashtanga yoga is more strenuous and better for getting fit. Choose your style of Yoga wisely. 

Breathing benefits of Yoga for mental health

You are advised to pay attention to your breath when doing both yoga asanas and pranayama. 

Your yoga teacher may also ask you to follow a specific breathing technique like alternate nostril breathing, breathing from only one nostril, exhaling forcefully, etc., all having therapeutic value to all three bodies- the physical, emotional, and mental.

The asanas that open the chest, like Halasana, are perfect for people suffering from depressive disorders. This may be because when the chest area expands, you draw in deeper breaths, and your blood gets a fresh transfusion of oxygen that circulates to each cell of your body, especially the brain.

Deep breathing is an integral part of Yoga. We usually breathe from the diaphragm, called diaphragmatic breathing, and forget breathing from the belly. Belly breathing has a slew of benefits. As it improves blood flow carrying fresh oxygen and nutrients to the brain and nerves, it also helps you feel more inner calm and joy.

Other benefits are that deep belly breathing helps you relax and let go. 

  • The slower yoga styles like the Bihar School of Yoga are beneficial for lowering stress and accentuating feelings of well-being and calmness. They do so by incorporating meditation techniques to help calm the mind. 
  • Pranayam is perfect for calming the brain and the nervous system. Pranayams like Brahmari help calm the nerves down and even reduce blood pressure that may disturb your mental state. 
  • Anulom-vilom, alternate nostril breathing, helps calm the brain and nervous system. It normalizes several mental functions, like balancing blood pressure and secretion of essential hormones.

Psychological benefits of Yoga for mental health

The mental health benefits of Yoga are challenging to measure as compared to its physical benefits that can be easily seen and felt.

Several studies have documented the psychological benefits of Yoga, and we now know that Yoga releases feel-good brain chemicals like endorphins. These mood-boosting chemicals have chemicals like Dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine that act as messengers inside your brain.

Even though most slower forms of Yoga include controlled movements, they can still increase your heart rate, improve muscles' functioning, and trigger the release of these feel-good brain chemicals that act as mood enhancers that make you feel happier. Hatha yoga is especially useful in calming the mind as it stresses mindful breathing. 

Studies also show that Yoga can also relieve depression. Its been found that Yoga is as good as allopathic treatments for taming depression, like psychotherapy and medication. 

Yoga also doesn't cause side effects as medicines prescribed for depression like Lithium.  

As yogic poses stretch, tighten and help relax muscles in your body, it is the ultimate healing modality for reducing tension. Studies show Yoga reduces stress levels. More than 86 percent of people report doing Yoga to reduce stress.

You can try practicing Yoga in a calm, peaceful atmosphere for added benefits.

Studies show Yoga can ease anxiety.  

There is a deep link between anxiety and fast, superficial diaphragmatic breathing. This happens because of the breathing practice while you do Yoga. 

Anxiety causes you to breathe more superficially. You can't take enough oxygen in, and your blood circulation gets affected. 

This is why several psychologists are now using Yoga to treat anxiety disorders as a supplementary therapy.   

Studies show Yoga Improves sleep.  

One study done with people doing Yoga over 60 has demonstrated that they sleep more and have a better restful sleep daily. This is more true for older practitioners.

Finally, Yoga also enhances well-being and joy by making you more social. When you attend a yoga class, you benefit by interacting with other like-minded people. And social ties can help you feel happier. 

It has also been observed that if you do Yoga regularly, you start choosing healthier lifestyles and food habits. You stop eating junk, cook more wholesome food, and become less sedentary during the day.

These also help you to be happier and more positive.

Benefits of meditation for mental health

Meditation is a mind-body, complementary form of alternative health medicine. It can produce deep states of relaxation and going inwards that release stress and anxiety

benefits of meditation
Meditation steadies and clams the frenetic pace of thoughts in your mind. As you focus your attention on the meditation practice, you naturally eliminate the stream of views that make you more depressed and stressed. 

Meditation has a great healing benefit for the physical body too. It has been linked with lowering blood pressure and even heart rate.

What's even better is that the benefits accruing from meditation don't end with the end of the meditation session. This technique unusually helps you remain cool and calm during the whole day. 

How to use Yoga and meditation to be joyous

If you want to do Yoga and meditation regularly, learn from a qualified teacher. You can opt for a private session or practice in a group.

This benefits you because your yoga teacher can physically correct your asanas. She can also modify them according to your capacity. 

You don't get these benefits when you join an online yoga class. There are a lot of chances that you may do a pose wrongly and get a negative effect instead of getting benefitted. 

mother doing yoga with his child
Therapy yoga classes are also available to users like you. These use straps, belts, yoga chairs, and blocks to simplify more challenging yoga poses.

You can also sit on the unique yoga chair to do poses too. 

Most online yoga teachers are not qualified and are more likely not to know the correct way to do a yoga asana themselves! We suggest that you avoid learning to do yoga asanas while watching classes online, on a DVD, in a book, or on TV. You may get seriously injured by doing so.

Another way to optimize the benefits of Yoga and meditation is to practice them more often. Just doing Yoga or meditation in class is not enough. Practice more at home, in the park, or even while working. 

This way, you can go to your regular effective yogic poses and meditation type that are uniquely beneficial to you for controlling stress, anxiety, or sleeplessness.

Risks of Yoga

  • Poor techniques of doing an asana, prior injuries, and pre-existing conditions can predispose you to an injury. This is why you should only practice Yoga safely with a qualified yoga instructor. 
  • The risks of getting hurt while doing Yoga go up in older people. They have lower muscle strength, bone density, and elasticity. If you are an older adult, talk to your doctor before doing Yoga.
  • Meditation has no risks attached to it. But, avoid doing meditation in the car when the light is red. Always meditate in a safe place where you won't be disturbed.


Choose a meditative and spiritual form of Yoga, like Sivanand yoga or Kundalini yoga. These styles include plenty of chanting, meditation, and yoga asanas to improve your mood and mental state.

Keep true to your yogic and meditative practice and reap the benefits to your mental health


Monday, September 5, 2022


Everyone has anxiety when confronted with new or unpleasant situations like first dates, job interviews, or public speaking engagements, but situational anxiety disappears rapidly. If your emotions of fear, dread, or concern persist or intensify over time, you may be one of the 40 million adults suffering from an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental diseases globally but are also among the most curable. Even better, many people react favorably to anxiety therapy without drugs. They discover that lifestyle adjustments and natural therapy may entirely or partially control their disease.

The Non-Pharmacological Therapy Ideas.

Here are the ways you may attempt on your own and where you can seek help if you need it. Initially, start with:

Maintaining a Healthy Blood Sugar Level

Even if you don't have diabetes, missing meals or overeating can cause a decrease in blood sugar levels that makes you irritable, nervous, and anxious. Every day, try to eat three balanced meals and two snacks. Choose foods high in fiber, such as fruits and vegetables, nuts, lean meat in modest portions, and low-fat milk or cheese. If you have diabetes, take your medicines exactly as directed by the physician. 

Followed by staying away from stimulants

Caffeine, tobacco, illegal substances, and even certain over-the-counter or prescription medications can exacerbate anxiety symptoms. It's mandatory to stay away from those. When stressed, it's easy to go for another cup of coffee, but herbal tea is a healthier choice for anxiety sufferers.

Get Enough Rest, To be sure.

This may be easier said than done. Anxiety and insomnia are inextricably intertwined. Poor or insufficient sleep can create or increase anxiety symptoms, making it difficult to fall or remain asleep. If you can't sleep on your own, talk to your doctor about techniques to sleep better. 


Deep breathing is helpful to relax your body and mind by reducing your heart rate and blood pressure, relaxing your muscles, and instructing your brain to cease producing "fight or flight" chemicals. Breathing exercises may be learned and practiced in yoga or guided meditation sessions, or you can learn simple exercises and do them whenever you feel nervous.

Practice Mindfulness 

Mindfulness is intentional attention to the present that is often practiced through meditation. Instead of dwelling on past regrets or anticipating future anxieties, you concentrate on what is occurring now and how you feel about it. You may reduce stress and improve relationships by dedicating only two minutes daily to mindful meditation. 


While regular exercise can help relieve stress and anxiety symptoms, getting off the treadmill and taking a stroll in the woods is a better way to decompress. Several studies have shown that spending time in nature can help to reduce anxiety.

 Do What You Like

Make time to disconnect from work, electronics, and the overall craziness of daily life. Consider what relaxes you the most, like having a bath, getting a massage, gardening, fishing, napping, or spending time with family and friends. Whatever it is, please make an effort to do it more frequently. These tactics may be sufficient to control mild to moderate anxiety symptoms. Still, sharing your actions with your primary care physician, who may give more tailored recommendations for anxiety therapy without medication, is a good idea.

Feel free to say no

We've all heard the saying, "Giving brings greater happiness than receiving." However, nowhere in this line does it state that you should sit back and watch people waste your time. This isn't to suggest you should never help someone, but know your limits and don't be afraid to say "no" when necessary. Your plate is limited, and your anxiety will grow if you overburden yourself with everyone else's issues. 

Live in the present moment.

If you replied "yes" to any of the given questions, you've identified a component of the problem. You're already thinking about tomorrow's difficulties instead of today. And depending on the severity of your anxiety, you may be worrying about yesterday's blunders. Perhaps you're worried about whether you'll be a good parent even though you don't have any children and have no intentions to have any shortly.

You can't control the future and also can't change the past by borrowing a time machine, so here's an idea: take each day as it comes. But it would help if you did not get so caught up in what has been and will be that you get anxious. 

What if the condition worsens?

If these given measures do not help or your anxiety worsens, consult your doctor immediately. They will want to check you for any underlying medical disorders causing your worry. Your doctor may also advise you to take prescription drugs or send you to a mental health professional for counseling. Anxiety disorders are widespread and treatable. There is not any need to feel ashamed in seeking assistance, and suffering in quiet is nothing to gain.

Key message

Anxiety is a beast, but you can defeat it without the need for drugs. Overcoming fear and uneasiness can often be as simple as changing your behaviors, ideas, and lifestyle. You can begin with a drug-free method and then consult a doctor if your symptoms do not improve or worsen. These drug-free anti-anxiety techniques can potentially adjuvant your prescription routine. Do what works for you, and remember that worry does not have power over your life.

Must Read: Top 6 Reasons Why You Must Opt For Telepsychiatry

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Top 6 Reasons Why You Must Opt For Telepsychiatry

Telepsychiatry is the future of mental health care. Keep reading to learn more! There are many reasons why you should consider opting for telepsychiatry services. In this Blog, we will discuss the top 6 reasons why telepsychiatry is the way to go.

Mental disorders can cause great suffering for individual and their loved ones. Without help, the symptoms of mental illness can worsen over time, leading to even more pain and anguish. This is even more prominent in countries like India, where mental health stigma is still extreme.

One of the main reasons why you should opt for telepsychiatry is that it offers a high level of convenience. You don't have to travel to see a psychiatrist, which can often be tricky, especially in rural areas.

  • You don't have to travel to see a psychiatrist.

Telepsychiatry enables you to get a consultation from your home's comfort, security, and privacy. This is helpful in areas where seeking mental health care is taboo and considered a sign of weakness. You can get all the help you need without anyone knowing about it. Nobody will see you visiting the clinic and meeting a professional psychiatrist.

  • Telepsychiatry is more affordable.

The cost of psychiatric care can be pretty high, especially in developed countries. The average fee for a quality psychiatric consultation in India is Rs. 8000-10000. However, with telepsychiatry services, you can get the same quality of care at a fraction of the cost.

  • It's more comfortable.

Many people feel anxious or nervous about visiting a psychiatrist in person. This is perfectly normal, and there's no need to feel ashamed about it. With telepsychiatry, you can have your consultation in the comfort of your home, making the whole process much more comfortable.

  • It's Confidential Too

All psychiatric consultations are entirely confidential. Telepsychiatry services provide an additional layer of privacy and security, which is vital for many people.

  • You can get started with treatment right away.

When you opt for telepsychiatry, you can get started with treatment right away. There's no need to wait for an appointment or travel to see a psychiatrist. You can get the help you need when you need it.

  • You can receive care from a qualified and experienced psychiatrist.

When you choose telepsychiatry, you can be sure that you're receiving care from a qualified and experienced psychiatrist. For example - All the psychiatrists empaneled with OnlineDocs are global experts with a demonstrated success record. Under normal circumstances getting an appointment with them would not be possible for a person who lives away from their location. Still, telepsychiatry makes it possible to get the same in-clinic therapy experience accessible from anywhere.

Another question that you might have is - Is telepsychiatry effective?

The answer is - Yes!

A study by the University of Zurich found that patients who received psychiatric care through telepsychiatry had lower relapse rates and fewer hospitalizations than those who received care in person. Patients also reported higher satisfaction levels with telepsychiatry than with in-person care.

Will my sessions be recorded?

No. Your sessions will not be recorded without your consent. However, in particular mental conditions, your therapist might request you to permit him to record your sessions. You might also need recordings of your sessions if you want a second opinion.

What if I need medication?

Your psychiatrist will work with you if you need medication to find the best option. Almost every country requires a prescription for getting mental health medications; if that's the case with you, then your telepsychiatrist might be able to help you with it.

How do you identify a reliable telepsychiatry provider?

Now that you know the many advantages of telepsychiatry, you might wonder how to identify a reliable provider.

Here are a few things to look for:

- Make sure the provider is licensed in your state

- Make sure the provider uses HIPAA-compliant technology

- Make sure the provider offers a free trial

- Ask for referrals from friends or family

Is it legal in India to go for a second opinion using telepsychiatry?

Yes. It is legal in India to go for a second opinion using telepsychiatry. You can consult with any psychiatrist of your choice from anywhere in the world.

What are the types of mental disorders that can be treated using telepsychiatry?

Almost all types of mental disorders can be treated using telepsychiatry. Some of the most common mental disorders that can be treated using telepsychiatry are:

- Depression

- Anxiety

- Bipolar disorder

- Schizophrenia

- Eating disorders

- Substance abuse

If you suffer from any of the above-mentioned mental disorders, you should opt for telepsychiatry.


If you're looking for a qualified and experienced psychiatrist, you should opt for telepsychiatry. Telepsychiatry is a great way to get the psychiatric care you need. It's convenient and confidential, and you can start treatment immediately.

Please remember - Mental disorders are like any other disease. You should seek help as soon as possible. The earlier you seek help, the better your chances of recovery. Do not hesitate to seek qualified medical assistance. There is no need to suffer in solitude when good treatment options like telepsychiatry services are available with the click of a button.

If you or someone you know is dealing with a mental illness, do not hesitate to contact us. Assistance is available, and recovery is feasible.

Must Read: Mental Health Awareness: The Role of a Psychiatrist       

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Mental Health Awareness: The Role of a Psychiatrist

Each year, more than 3 million people in the United States experience the effects of a mental health condition that requires professional help. According to the National Alliance on Mental Health, one-third of adults in the U.S. are affected by some mental illness at some point. While many individuals can recover from these conditions, others need professional assistance to overcome and prevent future episodes. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who has completed at least three years of clinical training after graduating from medical school. They have expertise in diagnosing, treating, and managing mental health conditions such as depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, stress disorders, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and more. As a psychiatrist working with patients — not just as part of a team or organization — you will be called upon to understand how your patients think and feel about their issues; identify potential triggers that might lead to symptoms or relapse; work with family members and other caregivers to implement treatment plans; manage medications; address any financial burdens that might impact treatment access; and so much more. This article explores what being a psychiatrist entails and how this career can help people improve their mental health.

What is Psychiatry?

Psychiatry is a medical specialty that involves studying and treating emotional and behavioral conditions. These conditions are sometimes called "mental illnesses." Psychiatry is a major branch of medicine that focuses on studies such as how the brain works, how the brain affects behavior, and how to help people with emotional or behavioral problems. Physicians who specialize in psychiatry are called "psychiatrists." A psychiatrist is a physician who has completed at least three years of clinical training after graduating from medical school. They have expertise in diagnosing, treating, and managing mental health conditions such as depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, stress disorders, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Psychiatry: A Brief History

A Brief History of Psychiatry A brief history of psychiatry is to understand the field's development and some of the significant breakthroughs that have occurred throughout the years. Two events in the late 1800s set the stage for the development of modern psychiatry. First, a person named Thomas Willis revolutionized how mental disorders were viewed. Until now, mental disorders were believed to result from "moral imbecility" and were primarily treated through rehabilitation. Second, in the early 1900s, Emil Kraepelin revolutionized the classification system for mental disorders. This system is still used today and is broken down into several categories, including anxiety, mood disorders, and schizophrenia. In the early 1900s, the pioneering efforts of William W. Keen and G. M. Taylor advanced the field of psychophysiology. They led to the development of physiological tests for mental disorders, such as the lie detector and psychophysiological testing for anxiety.

The Role of a Psychiatrist in Mental Health Treatment

The role of a psychiatrist in mental health treatment is to assess a person's mental state and guide them toward treatment if needed. Depending on the patient's symptoms and medical history, a psychiatrist may recommend medication, therapy, hospitalization, or a combination. Psychiatric medicines can help manage symptoms of mental disorders, but it should be remembered that no remedy is entirely adequate. It is also essential to keep in mind that not all people who are taking psychiatric medications will experience benefits from them. Because many mental health conditions have a complex relationship with other health conditions, a psychiatrist may recommend a patient see a primary care physician, gastroenterologist, or other medical specialists to help coordinate care.

Psychiatric Disorders and Conditions

Psychiatric disorders and conditions are disorders such as major depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Other conditions such as pregnancy, diabetes, cancer, and other illnesses affect the brain. Many psychiatric disorders are treatable. Treatment can involve medications and therapy. Some, such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, have significant risks that may include hospitalization, intensive treatment, and risk of suicide. Others, such as anxiety or depression, have less severe risks that can be managed with therapy, self-help activities, and medication.

Supervised Residency Training Program

A psychiatrist's residency training program is an intense experience that requires psychiatrists to complete a rigorous three-year program. It consists of a combination of didactic (or classroom-based) learning and clinical experience. During the program, psychiatrists work under the supervision of a supervising physician or a residency program director. Residents rotate through several clinical specialties, depending on the hospital and program. Residents typically spend about 50% of their time in inpatient and 50% of their time in primary care settings. During residency training, psychiatrists may specialize in one of several subspecialties. For example, many psychiatrists elect to specialize in the management of eating disorders, mood disorders, or the administration of substance abuse. Others choose to specialize in the direction of mental health in a correctional setting.

Clinical Rotations and Activities During Supervised Residency Training Program

Psychiatrists may specialize in one area of medicine or work in various specialties during their residency program. In addition to working in traditional medical settings like hospitals, psychiatrists may work in community mental health centers, residential care facilities, schools, and correctional facilities. There may be differences in roles, responsibilities, and services provided in these settings compared to those in a traditional medical environment. Psychiatrists in these settings are often responsible for coordinating care for patients with multiple or coexisting medical conditions. They also may be responsible for patient access to health insurance coverage and public assistance programs. Psychiatrists may also choose to spend some time working as research assistants. Research provides valuable information about how the human mind works. In addition to conducting the research and writing the papers, psychiatrists may be asked to serve as study subjects.

Becoming a Registered Psychologist Through a Joint Program in Psychiatry and Psychology

There are several paths to becoming a registered psychologist. Specialty certification is offered through the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. This certification is a hybrid specialty certification that allows physicians to specialize in both psychiatry and psychology. To be a board-certified psychiatrist in this program, candidates must complete a three-year residency program in psychiatry, after which they can complete an additional three years of training to become board-certified in the combined specialty of psychiatry and psychology. Registered psychologists are individuals who have earned a graduate degree in psychology. To become board-certified in this program, candidates must complete a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in psychology.

Summing up

Psychiatry is a medical specialty that involves studying and treating emotional and behavioral conditions. These conditions are sometimes called "mental illnesses." A psychiatrist is a physician who has completed at least three years of clinical training after graduating from medical school. They have expertise in diagnosing, treating, and managing mental health conditions such as depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, stress disorders, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). To be board-certified in this program, candidates must complete a three-year residency program in psychiatry, after which they can complete an additional three years of training to become board-certified in the combined specialty of psychiatry and psychology. During residency training programs, psychiatrists may specialize in one area of medicine or work in various things. There may be differences in roles, responsibilities, and services provided in these settings compared to those in a traditional medical environment.

Must read:  How does Telepsychiatry supersede its predecessor Traditional Psychiatry?

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